

Monday, February 11, 2013


In this tutorial we will learn how to create a visually appealing mock advertisement for a bottle of water. We will utilize different types of brushes and effects to achieve the final look :
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Final

Step 1 Setup

Create a new canvas width the size of 600×1000 and fill it in black.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 1

Step 2 Grab Your Photo

Next you should open up the photo that you will be using for your advertisement. I will be using a stock photo I got from If you are a member you can download photos for free.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 2

Step 3 Copy and Paste

Use the quick select tool or if you prefer using a different method, and select your bottle.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 3
Copy and paste your image onto your black canvas. (Note: you may need to resize your image in order for it to fit on the background.)
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 4

Step 4 Highlight

Use a soft round brush and add white around the sides and bottom of your bottle. Remember to create a new layer for each step.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 5
Set the layer mode to Overlay then change the opacity to 54%
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 6

Step 5 Add Splash

If you don’t have any now would be a great time to get yourself some water splash brushes. Once you have yourself your brushes create a new layer and start adding splashes around the bottom of the bottle. Try out different types of layer modes to see what you prefer. I am usingLuminosity at 100% opacity ( I used white for my brush color).
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 7

Step 6 Mist/Fog

Now we want to add a misty like fog/glow element around the newly added splashes so use your soft round brush and add white around the top of our splashes.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 8
Keep your layer mode Normal and move the opacity down to around 10%.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 9

Step 7 Warp

Use the warp tool to modify the shape of your bottle. You don’t have to use the same shape that I am using, be creative.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 10

Step 8 Reflection

We need to create a reflection in the water so duplicate your newly modified bottle then rotate it so that the top of the bottle is facing downwards. Do not forget to flip the image horizontal, if you don’t the reflection will be off. (Note: this layer should be above your water splashes).
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 11
Move the bottle down so that the bottom connects with the bottle of the original bottle layer.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 12
Change the layer mode to Lighten and use the ripple effect to distort the reflection. Filter >Distort Ripple.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 13

Step 9 Splashes Up Top

Add more splashes around the top of the bottle. Create some coming out of the top as well (unless you have a closed cap bottle).
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 14

Step 10 Glow

Make a new layer and add a large white line down the middle of the bottle using the soft round brush. On the same layer make your brush smaller and choose a blue (or whatever color you want) and create another line down the bottle with the round brush tool so your image looks something like this.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 15
Go to FilterBlurMotion Blur and set your settings to angle: 37 degrees and distance: 295 pixels
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 16
Change layer to Color Burn then go to your blending options and choose Outer Glow and change the blending mode to Linear Dodge (Add).
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 17

Step 11 Sparkles

Get some speckled/sparkle/glitter type brushes and add them around the bottle. Use the blending options and choose outer glow just like we did in the previous step, you can pick which layer mode you like best. (Note: Make sure you create the reflection for your sparkles just like you did for the bottle).
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 18

Step 12 Darken

To make our bottle darker and give it a glassy like look create a new layer fill it in black and turn the layer mode to Overlay.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 19

Step 13 Add Text

Add your text and logos, tweak any settings you might want to fix then you are all done.
Bottle Ad Photoshop Tutorial - Step 20

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